Friday 31 May 2024

A Cautionary Tale for ALL Men over a Certain Age! – PLEASE SHARE

(First Written April 2019, date amended to keep this as Front Page)

I am putting these words together in the hope that it will be read by many, hopefully all of my male family members, friends, colleagues and other persons that are of a certain age that I do not know.  

What is ‘A Certain Age’?  I am definitely of a certain age as I reached my 72nd birthday back in April of 2019.  This age means that, as most of us understand, we may experience the odd illness and unfortunately be more prone to life changing events such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer.

Since the 11thJuly 2019 I have reflected upon the past 12 months or so and rest in the knowledge as to how lucky (so far) I have been.  My problem may of started some 12 months ago, I cannot recall the exact date and at the time had no reason to record the date, as it was fairly insignificant, but I had been visiting the toilet far more frequently, both during the daytime and especially at night.  

A few weeks passed without any improvement in my ‘condition’ so off to the GP, upon phoning was told that the next available appointment was several days away.  I explained my condition, mentioned my age and low and behold had an appointment within 24 hours.  

Denise (my wife of nearly 50 years) did not really discuss any of the probable outcomes but I believe she knew as well as I that it could perhaps be an indication of a serious problem.

An internal examination of the prostrate, blood and urine tests were all negative - I was given a clean bill of health - so life returned to normal.

Please Cursor down to read my journey from the beginning - thank you.

Friday 24 May 2024

22nd May 2024 Flexible Cystoscopy 

It was with some trepidation that I returned to QA Hospital (Cosham) for another check up on my bladder.  As always I arrived in good time for my 3.00pm appointment and was immediately shown through to the clinic.

A pair of new nurses were going to look after me today and after a quick identity check, signing the electronic consent form it was time to get on with the 'inspection.'

After a few minutes and a very good inspection of the Bladder those welcoming words were uttered, 'Your Bladder is ALL Clear, we will see you in 12 months time.'  Followed by, 'if you have any concerns in the meantime, please contact us.'

Thursday 27 July 2023

Tuesday, 18TH JULY 2023

It is now approximately 4 years since I heard the words 'You have Cancer of the Bladder.'  

From the outset of contracting Cancer I have always been aware that the disease could return.  As I travelled to QA Cosham on the 18th July, a re-occurrence was not uppermost in my mind.  With the normal efficiency that I have come to expect I was ushered into the treatment area, identity checked and up onto the couch.

A few seconds into the examination of the bladder the tell-tale signs of 'that patch' which should not be there - unfortunately a small growth had been found.

I was given the choice of waiting for another appointment or have treatment to immediately remove the offending growth.  My response was 'let's get it removed.'  A couple of minutes wait for the laser to be set up and a warning given that I might experience some discomfort and it was done, the offending growth was zapped.  I will now return to QA in 3 moths time for further checks.

Obviously further growth was something that I did not want to be told, however on the positive side, I will have another checkup in 3 months and I assume further routine check ups at shorter intervals, rather than at 12 months.

I am sure we all continue to hear of many sad cases of, not only Bladder Cancer, but all forms of Cancer.  Many of you have read my blog either online or in the Fight Bladder Cancer magazine. O have repeated many times that my Bladder Cancer was found very early, I reacted to the symptoms.

So please encourage members of your family, friends and acquaintances to carry out simple checks - regularly - as far as BC is concerned do not accept that it is just a Urinary Tract Infection, Antibiotics will not cure cancer.

Finally and as always my thanks and gratitude to the Urology Department of QA Cosham.

Thursday 28 July 2022

Thursday, 28th July 2022

It is now approximately 3 years since I heard the words 'You have Cancer of the Bladder.'  

Since that day back in July 2019 much has happened in the Country, in the World - we have had and are still suffering from the effects of a global pandemic, there is a war going on in Europe, it would seem we are about to face a Summer of discontent due to Public Sector strikes, very soon we may have our second female Prime Minister, and an England Football team are to face Germany in the Final of a major competition at Wembley for the first time since 1966 - yes for my younger readers people of my age still hark back to the good ole days!

Also during the past 3 years and depending upon which site one researches, approximately a further 30000+ Men and Women would have had received the same  diagnosis, that is a staggering 28 people per day.  Add to that the wives, husbands, children, parents and other close family members, nearly 40000 people per year continue to be impacted by this disease.

On Tuesday the 19th of July I attended the Urology Unit at QA Hospital (Cosham, Portsmouth) for my 6 monthly Flexible Cystoscopy to be carried out.  

In common with all patients I am positive that the few days, perhaps longer, leading up to this appointment awareness of the possible outcomes are heightened.  I was no different, so a public apology to my wife Denise for being a little bit touchy (from the Collins English Dictionary - Easily Offended, Over-Sensitive, Irritable), traits in myself which I have extreme difficulty in recognising!

It was with great relief that I was given the all clear, the nicest Bladder the Nurse had seen all day!!  to hear the words 'We will see you in 12 months time, have such a nice ring to them.'  Additionally I was informed that if any problems were experienced with the 'Water Works' I was to contact the Urology unit immediately.

I hope many others have the opportunity to experience the emotions I felt that day at about 1.30pm.  I can be emotional and could not hold back a few tears as I returned to the car to be met by Denise for a quick hug and kiss in the car park - haven't done that for many a year!

I appreciate that not all sufferers and their families will have the same happy outcome and for those I do feel extremely sorry.  I acknowledge that I have been extremely lucky, however in life perhaps we make our own luck?  

I hope that many of you will share my experiences with your families, friends, work colleagues etc as it was the early intervention, that in my case has so far led to an extremely positive prognosis - YES the cancer could return but I am sure any signs will be treated extremely seriously by our NHS.

As always I cannot praise the staff at the QA Hospital, Cosham highly enough, they were COMPASSIONATE, CARING and UNDERSTANDING in all respects Thank You.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Follow – Up  Flexible Cystocopy Post Turbt Operation – January 2021

18th January 2021

It was with great relief that in the days leading up to the 18th January that I did not receive a phone call or letter informing me, together with 1000’s of Cancer Patients, and those suspected of having Cancer of one form or another that their treatment had been postponed or worse cancelled due to the continuing presence of Corona Virus.

Once more I must praise the organisation and ALL the staff at Queen Alexandria (Cosham) to ensure that my check-up went ahead.  My appointment was for 1.30pm, the nurse called for me at 1.29pm!! 

After a quick introduction it was into the treatment room for another  Flexible Cystoscopy I am sure that my Heart Rate and Blood pressure were far higher than normal due to the anticipation of the result of this examination.  I am now 12 months post TURBT Operation and it was with great relief that on a detailed inspection, comparison with previous examinations I was told we will see you in 3 months-time.

I have previously commented upon the professionalism of the staff that have conducted my treatment and also of their sense of humour, especially so in these extremely trying conditions for all in the NHS.  This continues, I am pleased to say, the parting shot from the Nurse was ‘The best looking Bladder I have seen today!

On the return journey home, it was good to reflect that I have now been clear of cancer for 12 months.  It was also easier to understand the anxiety prior to this appointment, my thoughts were that the longer that passes then perhaps the chances of the cancer returning are increased.  For any of my readers that are in a similar situation I ask that you look at it this way ‘The more check-ups you have resulting in positive result – then the less chance there is of the cancer returning.’  

That thought not of my doing but one of my daughters – so thanks for that little gem.

As always, I thank you for reading this and ask that you continue to spread the word, about this and all forms of cancer, getting treatment early can and probably is a life-saver.


Thursday 23 April 2020

Possible Cancellation of Treatment – Covid – 19 and Flexible Cystocopy
17th & 23rd April  2020

I am one among 1000’s of Cancer Patients and those suspected of having Cancer of one form or another that has had or is expected to have forthcoming assessments, operations or ongoing treatment postponed due to the Corona Virus

Understandably there has been some frustration directed towards the NHS due to the decisions that clinicians have to make.  This is unfortunate and I urge those that number amongst those having treatments delayed to read Vulnerable Persons Covid-19 this information was sent out to the vulnerable groups explaining the reasoning behind this decision was to minimise the chances of these groups contracting the virus.  

Those with a weakened immune system are at a much greater risk of contracting the virus and potentially have an increased chance of dying; the death rate of those in the ‘vulnerable groups’ is far higher than those free from medical complications.  According to the latest figures 90% of those that have died from Covid – 19 had underlying health problems.  Although I am a cancer patient my condition is such that my immune system has not been compromised.

The onus is now on the partner, husband, wife of those in a vulnerable group to help the sufferer to overcome the annoyance of this decision.  I am positive it has been for one very simple reason, to prolong life.

There is help out there, so please see Fight Bladder Cancer and the associated Facebook Group assistance and support is there for all affected by this Cancer, whether you are the patient, partner, son, daughter etc.

It was very easy for me to write this, as on the 3rd of February Mr Wilby (Consultant) phoned me to tell me that 'The Biopsy carried out on the 22nd January was clear.’  So my expected cancellation will be for my first Flexible Cystocopy since my second operation back in January 2020. 

On the 17th April, I received confirmation that my assessment on the 23rd April is (at the moment) proceeding.  This leads to another conversation that those that will be attending for treatment, what precautions to take?  I am hoping for good weather and have decided that I should wear as little as possible, but maintaining decency.  Take my own hand gel and keep social distancing in mind. 

I can only assume that individual Hospital Trusts are making the decision to cancel treatment or not on a Trust by Trust basis, so many thanks to Portsmouth Hospital Trust (QA at Cosham) for going ahead with my check-up.

I am extremely pleased to say that my outcome today was a positive one, no sign of a tumour.  I had said to Denise that we would go out for a meal to celebrate or (commiserate), that is now on hold!!  The parting words from the Doctor, I will see you again in 6 months, however any change in your condition then contact us immediately and the appointment will be brought forward.

Post appointment, clean hands with gel on departing, don’t touch face, clothing straight into washing machine, patient straight into shower!!

In case my appointment is cancelled between now and the 23rd I have made the following reminder to myself, ‘be aware of changes in 'habits' do not put off seeking medical advice.’

As always, I thank you for reading this and ask that you continue to spread the word, about this and all forms of cancer, getting treatment early can and probably is a life-saver.

Monday 3 February 2020

Biopsy Result

Follow up Appointment Post TURBT Operation

3rd February 2020

On Saturday 1st February I received my follow up appointment to be told the outcome of my Biopsy, this resulted in my only disappointment of the treatment received to date; my appointment will not be until the 19th March.  This is an awful long time to wait to ascertain if my bladder was or was not clear of Cancer!

After getting over the initial frustration and thinking about it logically (we) Denise and I came to the conclusion that the clinic was either very busy or I was a fairly low priority, ie the Biopsy was clear.  These thoughts however did not completely disappear and they led to a fairly sleepless night.

On Sunday I posted to the 'Fight Bladder Cancer' FB page and was inundated with various views, most of which exclaimed there surprise that I would have to wait so long, many 'Wee-Buddies' advising me to contact the Urology Unit.  I also spoke to a friend who has had to cope with Cancer in the family; he was of the same view as me, more than likely to be good news.

So it was time to put the NHS to the test once more, phoned the Urology Unit at 8.32am and received a call from the Consultant (Mr Wilby) at 9.36am, normally have more difficulty getting through to my GP.  Probably one of the best phone conversations that I have ever had, the words 'The Biopsy is clear' one small sentence for mankind, but .................. you know the rest of this.

I will now be reviewed over the next 5 years, the first of these being in May, so more of this in my next update.

I must remind all my readers of the timescale:  I was referred to QA back in May of 2019, operated on in June, received MytoMycin C Drug Treatment and given the all clear in less than 8 months.  The National Health Service has not failed me nor my family.

In closing I do need to give one final reminder, please be aware of changes in 'habits' do not put off seeking medical advice, I have not felt at all ill during this time, no weight loss, no pain, no unexplained tiredness etc, etc.

Please continue to spread the word, about this and all forms of cancer, getting treatment early can and probably is a life-saver.